Sejoon Lim, Professor
Sejoon Lim, Ph.D.
Department of Automobile and IT Convergence
College of Automotive Engineering
Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea
Research Lab : Room 541, College of Engineering, Kookmin University
Phone : +82-2-910-5469
E-mail :
Educational Background
2012 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab., Ph.D.
2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab., M.S.
2002 Seoul National University, Electrical Engineering, B.S.
Professional Experience
2015~Present Kookmin University, Professor
2012-2015 Oracle, USA, Senior Member of Technical Staff
2002-2005 Alticast, Software Engineer
Current: Executive Director of Software Convergence and AI Division, Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
Current: Director of Electrical and Electronic Systems Division, Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
Current: Director (Chair of Automotive Convergence Committee), Korean Institute of ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems)